PHI Air Medical, Inc. (“PHI”)
The educational material presented on, the web based learning management site, internally maintained by PHI employees and contracted Medical Directors, is designed to provide information that is intended to broaden the clinician’s knowledge base and improve overall level of competency. It is not intended to be used to replace or change any existing protocols, policies, or patient care guidelines.I understand that the educational program that I am attending through PHI Air Medical is meant to provide me with an additional learning tool regarding the transport of critically injured or ill patients. I acknowledge that this learning program is supplementary to my clinical training by the Hospital and that all practice guidelines and patient care protocols I use in my professional practice must be approved by my Medical Director and/or other hospital management personnel. In consideration of PHI making this educational opportunity available to me, I agree to waive, release and discharge PHI and Protean, its directors, officers and employees from any claim or liability whatsoever incurred or suffered by me arising out of or in any way related to PHI’s educational training program.